Nau mai, Haere mai ki
Te Puna Reo Okahukura
Te Puna Reo Okahukura is based in the heart of Ōrākei, overlooking the stunning vista of Waitematā and Rangitoto. We are an accredited early learning centre providing full-day childcare for up to 50 tamariki (children) between the ages of 6 months to 5 years. Established by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, we are committed to providing a quality education that is underpinned by language, culture and identity of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.
Our Learning Environment
Tamariki enjoy an environment where learning is fun and enjoyable. Te Puna Reo Ōkahukura has a holistic learning model which focuses on the changing needs of tamariki with a high degree of respect for personal space, individuality, creativity and a sense of belonging.
Our daily activities include karakia (incantations), waiata (singing), pānuitanga (reading), kōrerorero (talking), mahi toi (arts and crafts) and much more.
The centre is extensively resourced and with an open plan indoor environment that is attractive, colourful and inviting. Tamariki are free to follow and initiate their own interests with the guidance of kaiako (teachers) who have established kawa and tikanga (rules and protocols) for tamariki to follow in the daily routines.
Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga
As a hapū-based learning centre, learning promotes the aspirations of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Tamariki learn their pepeha (genealogy), local stories and iwi histories, and the significance of local landmarks. They also attend events at Ōrākei marae.
Tamariki experience relationships that are based on whanaungatanga (relationships) and aroha (respect). Tuākana (older children) actively support and guide the tēina (younger children).